“Babies are born knowing how to play, they do not need to be taught”

- Magda Gerber

Time to Explore

We provide a physically safe environment which protects the child from harm, and an emotionally safe, nurturing environment which provides the emotional security needed for confident, independent play and problem solving. We ensure that the environment is predictable, as familiarity allows the child to relax and trust their surroundings. We use a variety of small objects and large gross motor equipment to ensure that there are appropriate challenges and opportunities to develop new skills.

Play is for self-discovery and self-directed learning, and should always be led by the child and not directed by or interfered with by adults. We believe that the role of the adult in play is to set up a safe, stimulating, and appropriately challenging environment, and then to step back and quietly observe, carefully scaffolding when needed. It is the child who leads their own learning in these scenarios skilfully supported by the adult.